The Effect Of Six Hour Kangaroo Method Care On Weight Increase In Premature Babies And The Emotional Bonding Of Mother And Baby

Tahapan Penelitian : Initial
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Tanggal Input Registry : 19-04-2024

This study was conducted to determine the effect of six hours of Kangaroo Treatment on premature babies' weight gain and the emotional bond between mother and baby.
Researchers measured body weight before intervention, and four times after receiving intervention, and for Mothers filled out questionnaires before intervention, after intervention and after control.
The Effect Of Six Hour Kangaroo Method Care On Weight Increase In Premature Babies And The Emotional Bonding Of Mother And Baby
Effectivity Of Six Hour Kangaroo Mother Care On Weight Gain In Premature Babies And The Emotional Bonding Of Mother And Baby
The mother carried out kangaroo mother care for six hours, starting time according to the agreement between the mother and the researcher. Mothers are allowed to change their sitting position to lying down or walk around while carrying out kangaroo mother care treatment for six hours. Mothers can also take it off when they want to go to the bathroom.

Inclusion Criteria:

Babies admitted in the NICU in the first day of life. Preterm LBW babies: babies born less than 37 weeks’ gestational age. GA was assessed using the Ballard score. Babies’ birth weights were appropriate for gestational age (AGA). AGA = birth weight between the 10th and 90th percentile. So all our subjects were LBW and also premature. Weight loss of 10%–13% of birth weight during the first week. Babies who are generally stable and met the criteria for discharge planning such as, Alert, healthy appearance; Ability to maintain temperature in an open crib or incubator with temperature setting in 24-29 celcius; No apnea or bradycardia for 5 days; Steady weight gain, Have received a calorie program of 110 kcal/kg/day, have good drinking tolerance, and for mother is able to read and write.

Exclusion Criteria:

Term babies (37–41 6/7 weeks’ GA), Postterm babies (42 weeks or more GA), Small for GA (whose birth weight was lower than the 10th percentile), Large for GA (whose birth weight was higher than the 90th percentile). Babies who start gaining weight before Day 8, Babies who lost less than 10% or more than 13% of birth weight in the first week, Babies who are not stable (did not meet the previous criteria) before enrollment or during the observation period, Babies with congenital anomalies, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, central nervous system (CNS) impairment, neonatal sepsis, urinary tract infection, or one of twins or higher order multiples, Mothers who experience postpartum emergencies.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Melissa Selviany